5 Vitality Benefits of a Digital-Detox Smiley Day

5 Vitality Benefits of a Digital-Detox Smiley Day
- Disconnect to Reconnect-

As an entrepreneur we are so busy running our day to day schedules and business, that we sometimes lose track of time, lose track of the highly needed you-time and thus lose track of your work-life balance.

The last few months I’ve been pretty busy setting up a new business, writing the texts for my new website, funnels, new e-books, creating ads and on top of that also following a new study to keep my knowledge up to date. Besides the existing business I’m running already for over a decade, being a mom and having a busy social life, this new project gave me tons of energy, but to be honest, also drained me physically. I needed a break. And so I did.

This week I took the so needed break and had a full day of me-time (Smiley Day as I call them) unplugged my phone and went to the spa. Looking back on my amazing smiley day, I can only draw the following conclusions:

1) A full Digital-Detox Smiley-Day is really beneficial for your mood and mind. After a while I felt more peaceful, my mind became more clear, inspiration and creativity came back and reading that book I bought months ago and started to read time and time again, because I just could not get through, now all of a sudden was so easy and  fun! I got my clarity back and the clouded mind became clear! And most of all I enjoyed it to the max! I enjoyed the me time, the we-time with my partner (see point 3) and enjoyed doing nothing, feeling no pressure, having no schedule, no guilt, no urge to do anything and I totally enjoyed being pampered and indulge myself in it!

2) We need to schedule these Digital-Detox Smiley Days on a regular basis! If you don’t write it down in your calendar it’s easy to let the day to day business take over. I already schedule my weekly smiley hours, but this digital-detox days need a fixed spot too! So for the upcoming months my DD-Smiley Days are  blocked!

3) As I love the daily conversations I have with my partner, I really missed them the last few weeks, because I had been working so hard. Exhausted after as full day of work we ended up quickly reading and responding to all the lovely remarks on our social media and so it kept us from the real conversations we used to have. On my smiley day with our conversations we reconnected again, had some profound, warm and loving conversations and I felt my love for him hit me again in full force. Last week I already decided to go back to my former rule to switch all screens off from 8PM-8AM, but after my smiley day I am more convinced then ever to actually do so every single day. Can I dare you to do the same?

4) A day full of reflection, a quiet mind and meditation, brings back that inner peace, strength and clarity. Although meditation is part of my daily routine, this full day of meditating during every sauna or spa treatment, was so much more powerful.

5) I recharged partly, due to the lack of digital impulses and the lack of exposure to blue light . The other part that fueled me was the fact that I slept / rested for hours in the Spa. So being away from home or the office is a crucial part of my DD-Smiley Days. I just could not do anything but rest, mediate, indulge myself in a luxurious massage plus healthy food and give in to the fatigue my body felt. If you don’t like the spa you can also choose a day in the park at the beach or whatever makes you smile and where you can relax completely. The proper amount of sleep, refuel and you-time is crucial for your overall vitality. Another confirmation that applying my Vitality Performance Triple 7 Principle is such a profound and necessary element of everyone’s daily routine.

So this Digital Detox Smiley Day really made me once again realize that what I tell my clients is so needed and true: “Disconnecting is Reconnecting”. Digitally Disconnecting gives you Re-connection. Reconnecting with your daily routine, reconnecting with yourself, reconnecting with your inner strength, reconnecting with your inner peace, with your inner source of inspiration. I highly recommend this one full day a month getting the focus on only you instead of on all others, without the feeling of guilt or urge that you have to do something. As entrepreneurs and especially female entrepreneurs we so often have the tendency of taking care of all others instead of ourselves. I promised myself to enjoy every day, to break this habit and really never to get so busy to make a living that I forget to make a life! Are you in this with me?




About Drs. Joyce Carols
Drs. Joyce Carols (www.JoyceCarols.com) is the Managing Director of Enjoy EsC. A training & Coaching Company specialized in Personal Growth, Effective Communication and Vitality Programs.

She helps female entrepreneurs and top managers to balance professional success with personal energy, vitality and happiness.
She’s a proud foster mom of two beautiful girls, a former international in both Field Hockey and Acro-diving. She has worked and lived for well-known global brands.

As a Leadership Coach & the worlds’ fist Vitality Performance Coach© she supports Top Managers worldwide with her special “Private Coaching Program", her “3 Day Mastermind Elite Program” and her "10 for 20 in 30 Vitality Program". Her own over two decades of experience, a hands-on mentality, enthusiasm, fun and a great amount of knowledge, makes her unique and the Leadership & Life Coach that motivates & helps you to achieve your goals. She is truly inspirational through her astonishing life story! Click here to learn more about Joyce Carols and her remarkable story of overcoming a broken neck and being paralyzed, but still managing to beating the odds and play in The World Qualifying Series for the National team a few years later. Plus surviving a near dead experience!



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